Hello friends!
My good friend Corrigan Vaughan posted this story on twitter today:
I have got feelings about this, and I need to share them.
Here's the thing, guys. Rihanna can like Star Trek if she wants to. And even if she didn't, and just chose to make her "Sledgehammer" video tie in to Star Trek because that was her best option at the time, that still wouldn't give anyone the right to jump all over her about it like some silly people have done. Rihanna is quite capable of steering her own rudder on the ship of her life.
My two favourite podcasters, Corrigan Vaughan and Kristin Latourelle of the Electric Fancave introduced me to the saying "Women contain multitudes". And it's true. You will be hard pressed to ever find two women who are made up exactly the same way, with the same sets of hobbies and interests, the same dress sense, and the same beliefs and values. And that's a beautiful thing. It's what makes us unique. So when people start losing their lids over Rihanna being a Star Trek fan, I get a little concerned.
See, I'm a mish-mash of different, seemingly incompatible likes and dislikes myself.
I love wearing pretty dresses, BUT I am most comfortable in sweatshirts and jeans.
I love classical music, AND I love 90's boy bands.
I love romantic comedies AND action-packed spy movies.
I hate wearing make-up, BUT I am never seen without my favourite lip gloss.
I can't play video games myself (because I have zero coordination), BUT I think that "Portal" has a great storyline.
I contain multitudes. And so do you. And so does Rihanna.
So can we please, PLEASE stop chewing each other out every time someone breaks away from our preconceived narratives of how another person should act, think, or feel? Muchas gracias.
As always, I love you all. Go forth and embrace YOUR "multitudes", whatever they may be.
Melanie Raye.
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